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procella Key User V2024 (21040-00-24)procella Key User V2024 (21040-00-24)

$675.00 (USD)

procella is the main Q-DAS shop-floor application for measurement data collection from manual, handheld gages or for manual input. procella also visualizes historical and currently recorded data in various graphics as for example quality control charts and can be setup to issue alarms if given SPC rules are violated. The measurement sequence and graphical interface can be adjusted to almost every manual measuring situation. This course covers general software setup options of procella, creating new test plans, graphical interface design, alarm configurations and data recording configuration options.

procella users and administrators who need detailed knowledge about the procella structure and configuration options and / or have to pre-configure procella stations for operators on the shop floor.

Estimated Length: 12 hour(s)


Name View Schedule
Online Lesson1. Introduction -
Online Lesson2. Data Input -
Online Lesson3. Creating New Test Plans -
Online Lesson4. Hierarchy of User Settings -
Online Lesson5. Setting up procella -
Online Lesson6. Screen Setup for Data Recording -
Online Lesson7. Data Recording Configurations 1 -
Online Lesson8. Alarm Conditions and Settings -
Online Lesson9. Attribute Characteristics -
Online Lesson10. Screen & Data Recording Configurations 2 -
Online Lesson11. Class Survey -
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