Course Catalog
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Course CatalogCourse Catalog

Catalogs (6)
  • Catalogs (6)
  • Courses (4)

Catalog: 1 - eLearning Courses

Our self-paced online interactive metrology classes concentrate on supplemental metrology skills development and are intended as a complement to classroom training. Our online offering has coursework ranging from math for metrology to specific instruction on hardware operation and software programming.

Catalog: 2 - Classroom Courses

Group training classes at our solution centers offer software training in PC-DMIS, Quindos, Inspire, REcreate, Q-DAS and Innovmetric PolyWorks. Group classes focus on specific hardware types such as CMMs, articulated arms, and vision inspection systems, along with the appropriate software. Hexagon is the largest provider of CMM training in the USA with hundreds of class sessions per year offered in thirteen locations.

Catalog: 3 - Certificate Programs

Certificate programs are catalogs of multiple courses purchased as a single curriculum. We've designed these course groupings so you can easily identify the ideal complementary e-learning classes that help you work toward a designation of Measurement Operator or Programmer. Enroll in a certificate program and complete all the necessary courses to achieve the certification you need to succeed!

Catalog: 4 - Virtual Classroom Courses

Instructor led group Virtual classes online offer software training in PC-DMIS, Q-Das, Tube Shaper and Innovmetric PolyWorks. Group classes focus on specific hardware types such as CMMs, articulated arms, and vision inspection systems, along with the appropriate software. Hexagon is the largest provider of CMM training in the USA with hundreds of class sessions per year offered in person and online using Microsoft Teams.

Catalog: 5 - Lunch & Learn

Courses: 4
These half-day sessions address the newest topics in Metrology software and any questions you may have while working with our products.

Catalog: 7 - Other Languages

Courses in Spanish, German, Portuguese and French.
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