PolyWorks Modeler 101 v2021 (21960-11-21)
PolyWorks Modeler training includes a user interface overview, editing & repairing polygonal models, sketching, creating & modifying curves and generating NURB patches. Contact your regional training coordinator to schedule this training: training.us@hexagon.com.
Name | View Schedule |
1. User Interface | - |
2. User Configurations | - |
3. Inspector Overview | - |
4. Scanning Basics | - |
5. Create Features | - |
6. Coordinate Systems | - |
7. Multiple Positions | - |
8. Inspector to Modeler | - |
9. Quiz 1 | - |
10. Smoothing & Reconstructing | - |
11. Editing Polygonal Models | - |
12. Divide/Reduce Triangles | - |
13. Sketching | - |
14. Quiz 2 | - |
15. Curves | - |
16. Modifying Curves | - |
17. NURBS Patches | - |
18. Quiz 3 | - |
19. Solution Center Class Survey | - |