Course Catalog
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Course CatalogCatalog: Level 1

These level 1 eLearning courses provide extended level 1 training and tutorials for PC-DMIS Touch and RDS.
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  • Courses (5)

11110-11-40 - PC-DMIS Constructions 101

Cost: $59.00 (USD)
This course explains the use of PC-DMIS Constructed Features. The lessons not only include examples for each feature type, but actual applications are given for many types such as: intersection points, pierce points, constructed lines, midplanes and more. Feature calculation types are also covered including least squares and maximum inscribed. Constructed tangent lines, circles, projections, and width feature are also included.

11210-11-20 - PC-DMIS Quick Start for Arms 101

Cost: $119.00 (USD)
This course teaches the student how to use Quick Start with a portable arm. Lessons include alignment procedures, measuring, constructing, dimensioning features, the proper use of CAD models and reporting.

11220-11-001 - AS1 for ARMs 101

Cost: $99.00 (USD)
The Absolute Scanner AS1 is the new high-end scanning solution for Laser Trackers and Portable Measuring arms. This course will focus on the AS1 scanner on Portable Measuring Arms. Lessons include: Introduction, Setup, RDS Settings, Data Collector, Scanner Alignment, Certification and Checking along with Diagnostic Tools.

11220-11-60 - RDS 101 v6.0

Cost: $149.00 (USD)
This eLearning course introduces the user to RDS (ROMER Data Service) and we strongly recommend taking this course prior to using your arm or attending classroom training. This software is used when re-aligning hard probes, to self-check/verify the accuracy and repeatability of your system, set up sounds, button functions and a host of other set-up functions. It also teaches proper setup, probing techniques as well as Quick Check Tools for those simple measurement tasks.

11220-11-62 - RDS 101

Cost: $149.00 (USD)
This eLearning course introduces the user to RDS (ROMER Data Service) and we strongly recommend taking this course prior to using your arm or attending classroom training. This software is used when re-aligning hard probes, to self-check/verify the accuracy and repeatability of your system, set up sounds, button functions and a host of other set-up functions. It also teaches proper setup, probing techniques as well as Quick Check Tools for those simple measurement tasks.
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